The crazier 2020 has become, the more I’ve relied on my routines and processes to get me through. One of my processes this year has involved finding unique fonts to use throughout my Instagram page. Mainly to keep things interesting but also, to give me something to do.
I love going through pages and pages of fonts (that I must say after a while start to look alike) to find unique differences that align with the message I want to share for the week. If I’m sharing something bold and outspoken, I look for fonts that have funky characteristics to them with bold widths. If I’m sharing something vulnerable or intimate, I’ll look for a font that is light with classic features. Much like with branding, I want to find typefaces or fonts that resonate with my message and the tone I want to convey.
I’ve searched through endless pages of fonts throughout 2020 and wanted to share some of the ones that I’ve used countless times and that has stuck with me through the year as a tried and true.

1. Acurta | Adobe Fonts

2. Freehouse | Adobe Fonts

3. Monarcha | Adobe Fonts

4. Lora | Google Fonts

5. Gastromond | Adobe Fonts

6. Shelby | Adobe Fonts

7. Plantin MT Pro | Adobe Fonts